Ok people i need to know this: how would i make it so that when a mob uses a verb like "Summon Swords", all the sword objects in the mobs view walk towards the mob, and begin rotating around him in a circle, not a square around him, an ACTUAL CIRCLE. Also i need to know how to make a dismiss verb for them that sends them back to the spot they started at, and a verb liike "Sword Tornado" that does the same thing as the artic wind spell in Rise of Heros, but makes the swords return to you and walk around you again. When it makes the mob uses sword tornado, the swords should walk around and do the same thing as the artic wind thing, but it shouldent be able to be used if the mob dosent have all the swords rotating around him again. Can someone tell me how to do all that? ALSO: I want it so you cant use the sword tornado if you havent summoned the swords in the first place, either.
Look up walk, Move, verbs and variables.
New(var/list/L, var/N)
loc = L[N]
for(var/V = 1, V < 20, V++)
loc = L[ ( (V+N) % L.len ) + 1 ]
icon = 'Circle.dmi'
icon_state = "Blue"
animate_movement = SLIDE_STEPS

var/list/L = list( \
get_step(src, SOUTH),
get_step(src, SOUTHWEST), \
get_step(src, WEST), \
get_step(src, NORTHWEST), \
get_step(src, NORTH), \
get_step(src, NORTHEAST), \
get_step(src, EAST), \
get_step(src, SOUTHEAST))
for(var/V = 1, V <= L.len, V++)
new /obj/thing(L, V)

Here's an example of how to do something like that. I'll leave you to figure out how to adapt it to what you want, because you didn't provide enough details.
In response to Garthor
Just a little so-you-know comment, you don't need to use \ in lists that use multiple lines.
In response to Foomer
Coudln't remember if you had to or not, and I didn't feel like experimenting.
Reinhartstar wrote:
Ok people i need to know this: how would i make it so that when a mob uses a verb like "Summon Swords", all the sword objects in the mobs view walk towards the mob, and begin rotating around him in a circle, not a square around him, an ACTUAL CIRCLE.

A true circle would be difficult, since this would involve using pixel offsets in a way BYOND is yet a little ungainly with. You probably also want to space out those swords evenly, too, which presents an interesting challenge.

Also i need to know how to make a dismiss verb for them that sends them back to the spot they started at, and...

Dude, leave out the and here; this is a separate problem and you should leave it in its own sentence so people can answer it. Running on with idea after idea means you're getting ahead of yourself.

To send them back to where they started, each sword would have to keep track of that spot. You'd also need some failsafes in case the mob logged out, to make this be the default behavior.

...a verb liike "Sword Tornado" that does the same thing as the artic wind spell in Rise of Heros,

No, that's not how you describe what you need. The odds of any given programmer having played a particular game are slim, so be descriptive in what you want. Don't rely on other games to describe your wishes for you.

but makes the swords return to you and walk around you again.

This part is easy, at least later on; do whatever it is that you'd do in response to the first question.

When it makes the mob uses sword tornado, the swords should walk around and do the same thing as the artic wind thing, but it shouldent be able to be used if the mob dosent have all the swords rotating around him again.

That makes very little sense. Are you looking for that circular dance to happen first, or afterward?

Can someone tell me how to do all that?

Not without more information, no. But what you've asked encapsulates about half a dozen different challenges, so it's not like there's going to be one easy pat answer for you. You might get some hints to get you started, but that's the best you can expect.

ALSO: I want it so you cant use the sword tornado if you havent summoned the swords in the first place, either.

That's trivial. If you can implement all the rest, it's very very easy at that point to tell when the swords are in play and when they aren't.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
If you want a circle, yes you could spend ages on the pixel offsets but cant you make it in a diamond shape instead?
In response to DeathAwaitsU
Ok ill give a little bit more info on the attack thing i spoke of. When the mob uses the attack verb, i need someone to tell me how to make it so that the swords goining around the mob stop moving, walk to the mobs northwest, northeast,
west, sotuh, etc. Then after that they wal towards any mobs in the area(of course, not the mob using the attack. :/)
and bump into them causing damage. THen walk back to the mob and circle around him again. Hope that helped a lil more..