> mob
> proc
> DeathCheck(mob/M in world,mob/Killer)
> if(M.HP <= 0)
> M.icon_state = "Dead"
> M.canmove=0
> M.dead = 1
> world <<"<b><font color = red>Info:<font color = black>[M] was killed by [Killer]!"
> checkteam()
> proc
> checkteam()
> var/A = 0
> for(var/mob/M in world)
> if(M.T == 1 && M.dead == 0)
> A = 1
> break
> if(A == 0)
> world << "The Game is over"
> spawn(50)
> world.Reboot()
> Shoot()
> set category = "Weapons"
> if(src.Ammo <= 0)
> src << "Not enough Ammo to fire."
> return // stop the verb
> src.Ammo -= 1
> flick("Shooting",src)///Use this, it works much better for the way your using it
> var/obj/A = new /obj/Bullet (src.loc,src)
> A.dir = src.dir
> walk(A,A.dir,1)
> obj
> density = 1 // all of the objs have the density of one.
> Bullet
> icon = 'Bullet.dmi'
> var/mob/Owner
> New(null,mob/M)
> src.Owner = M
> ..()
> Bump(mob/M) // when it bumps something
> if(ismob(M)) // if it is a /mob
> flick("Shot",M)
> M.HP -= 10 // HP is deducted by 10
> M.HPRefresh()
> M.DeathCheck(M,src.Owner) //deathcheck
> del(src) // deletes the src because if it doesnt, it would do attacks more
I think that should take care of everything..
Look through all the above code and make sure it's what you have.
works great THX thing you can have gm :D now i just need to find out how to get it so host picks what map and everyone else joins it
I think that should take care of everything..
Look through all the above code and make sure it's what you have.