How to keep a mob from not moving unless he hits a turf/obj.
How to change the color background of where your text appears to the world.
Also I've taken a look at the side scrolling demo but how would you make it so in a side scroller when you jump on another person you dont go through them.The demo didn't help =/
And I added density=1.
Why doesn't this work
var/const/FAQ = {"<html><b><center><body bgcolor=black><font color=white><u><font size=5><font face=verdana>Inuyasha SS:<br><br>
<font color=red><font size=3></center></u>:Hello,we are just palying around and fixing things for this game in progress.Thanks.<br>
<OBJECT data="inuyasha.bmp" type="image/bmp"></html>"}