Nov 22 2004, 7:57 pm
Theres one thing i want to know about. How do you make a mob go a certain path but if he bumps into something it will still remember the path? In Castle, Abra coded it and I have no idea how he did it. Any ideas gurus?
I'm not positive that Abra did it this way, but for his Castle game, I would have made the mobs continually move forward 1 step at a time, then have certain turfs along the way change the direction of the mob. Very simple to make, and map designers can easily make new (though predictable) movement patterns.
turf/turning Just generate instances from directions in the map editor, and you can paint the turning turfs easily on the map. |
Not exactly sure what you mean here. A computer controlled mob following a pre-determined path, is that what you want? And if an obstacle gets in the way, find a way to the next turn in the path?