If you have infenite web space and no limitations, is there a certain program people use to make a Shell server? I was wondering if someone could make a program for me if it doesn't already exist. Actually more of a website, where people can sign up for an account then upload game files to their account then once it's uploaded they can select certain game files and click a Start Hosting button after they select a port. I have almost no php, or java knowledge so I am unable to do this. Or you could just refer my to how websites that host shell servers work theirs.
Just a few questions...
What operating system is your server running? Windows? Linux? BSD?

What webserver is it running? IIS? Apache?

Are you allowed to run background processes on your server?

Is PHP installed? Is DMCGI installed?

One problem I don't know how to resolve with something similar, is running the instances of DreamDaemon under the proper user. It wouldn't be good to have user games running as the webserver's user account.
In response to Jon88
It's running Unix with PHP installed. That's all I know atm.