I was wondering how would i go about making them. I tried making one after looking at some demos but they came out funky. I wanted an OOC channel where the whole world can see wat u type, a say channel for mob in view, and one for guild member only. How would i go about it? Preferably in a proc format.
Eh? Dunno why you want in proc format....

OOC(msg as text)
set category = "Channel"
world << "[usr] OOCs: [msg]"
say(msg as text)
set category = "Channel"
view(5) << "[usr] says: [msg]"

I only can do OOC and say. You'll have to try to get someone else to show you an example of chat channels for guilds. :/
In response to Mega fart cannon
You should have a guild list, if so...
guildchat(T as text)
for(var/mob/M in src.guildlist)
M << "T"

I think that's how'd you do that.
In response to Hell Ramen
Hell Ramen wrote:
You should have a guild list, if so...
> guildchat(T as text)
> for(var/mob/M in src.guildlist)
> M << "T"

I think that's how'd you do that.

Or, an alertnate way would be..
GuildChat(msg as text)
for(var/mob/M in world)
if(M.guild == src.guild)
M << "GuildMate [src] : [msg]"

If you do what I did and assign each member a guild var.