Hey, seeing as how i'm a newb, I was wanting to run this guild system by you to see what ya'll thought of it SO far(I still need to add saving, loading, and a way of creating which i'm waiting for a unique way to add to my game)
See anything wrong with this?:

//Need to find a unique way of making a new guild.
//The guild variable is to see if they're in a guild yet
//or not, i'll add an if() statement for it when I decide
//Exactly how i'm going to create guilds.

mob/var/leader = 0
mob/var/guild = 0
var/list/Guilds = list()

list/Guildmembers = list()
members = 0
leadername = ""

members +=1
Transfer_Leadership(mob/M in Guildmembers)
set category = "Guild"
if(M == src)
src << "You cannot transfer leadership to yourself."
Invite_User_To_Guild(mob/M in world)
set category = "Guild"
if(M == src)
src << "You cannot invite yourself."
if(M.guild == 1)
src << "[M] is already in a guild."
M << "You are now a member of the guild."
M.guild = 1
Teleport_To_Guildmate(mob/M in Guildmembers)
set category = "Guild"
if(M == usr)
usr << "You cannot teleport to yourself."
usr.loc = M.loc
M << "There's a flash. [usr] appears before your eyes."
proc/MakeLeader(mob/M in Guildmembers)
if(members == 1)
M << "You are the leader."
M.leader = 1
leadername = "[M]"
M.guild = 1
proc/MakeNewLeader(mob/M in Guildmembers)
M.leader = 1
leadername = "[M]"
for(var/mob/M in Guildmembers)
M << "The new leader is [leadername]."

Also, What is YOUR opinion on Loading/Saving datums? What's the best way?
Lenox wrote:
Hey, seeing as how i'm a newb, I was wanting to run this guild system by you to see what ya'll thought of it SO far(I still need to add saving, loading, and a way of creating which i'm waiting for a unique way to add to my game)
See anything wrong with this?:

I see a few problems. I'll point them out as they appear.
mob/var/leader = 0

I wouldn't bother with an extra var just to flag if you are leader. Check your guild's leadername and see if it matches your name instead.
list/Guildmembers = list()
members = 0

There is no need for a members var. You can just use Guildmembers.len to report how many members are in that list. I'd remove the var and any existing modifications to it, then use Guildmembers.len when you need to check the number of memebers.
        leadername = ""

members +=1

src in this New() proc is the /guild_system instance that is being created. I don't think you want to add it to the Guildmembers list. You should pass the mob creating the guild into New() as an argument, then add that mob to the members list.

Your MakeLeader() proc needs an argument as you defined it. Pass the creating mob to it.

This defines owner as a subtype of /guid_system. Is that what you mean to do? The guild owner will not automatically get the verbs defined here. You need to add them to the mob in MakeLeader().

MakeNewLeader() is redundant and unnecassary. Remove the conditionals from in MakeLeader() and use it whenever leadership changes.

You sould also check to see if there is an existing leader, and if there is, remove his special leader options.
Transfer_Leadership(mob/M in Guildmembers)
set category = "Guild"
if(M == src)
src << "You cannot transfer leadership to yourself."
Invite_User_To_Guild(mob/M in world)
set category = "Guild"
if(M == src)
src << "You cannot invite yourself."
if(M.guild == 1)
src << "[M] is already in a guild."
M << "You are now a member of the guild."
M.guild = 1

Again, these verbs do not become available to mobs in the guild unless you add them to the mob when the mob joins.
        Teleport_To_Guildmate(mob/M in Guildmembers)
set category = "Guild"
if(M == usr)
usr << "You cannot teleport to yourself."
usr.loc = M.loc
M << "There's a flash. [usr] appears before your eyes."
proc/MakeLeader(mob/M in Guildmembers)
if(members == 1)
M << "You are the leader."
M.leader = 1
leadername = "[M]"
M.guild = 1
proc/MakeNewLeader(mob/M in Guildmembers)
M.leader = 1
leadername = "[M]"
for(var/mob/M in Guildmembers)
M << "The new leader is [leadername]."

You could shorten AnnounceNewLeader() to this:
Guildmembers << "The new leader is [leadername]."

It will send the message to everyone in that list.

Also, What is YOUR opinion on Loading/Saving datums? What's the best way?

The saving is simple. Just send the datum to the save file like any other atom or variable. You could even save the guilds list in one line and it will automatically save all the guilds in the list.

However the way you did your member list will cause problems. You store the actual mobs in the member list, which means that when it's saved, it saves a copy of each mob. When the guild is loaded, those old mobs will be loaded as well, and the client will get sucked back into the old mob.

Make the guildmembers list a tmp var so that it is not saved. That will become a list of online guild members and you can use it for sending guild messages and such.

You will want a second list of members that you CAN save with the datum. Since you can't use the mob itself, just store the mob name. This will be the list that you use to see how many members you have with the list.len var.

When a player logs into the game, check their guild var. If it is set, check that guild's membername list to make sure the player is a member, then you can add the player's mob to the Guildmembers list to note that he is online and add the guild verbs to his verbs.
In response to Shadowdarke
Aiight, I took your suggestions, I fixed some of the stuff you mentioned, and now, to say something :P. About the owner thing, I've tested this once in game with one method where you click on a mob named "Guildsman" and he starts the new guild for you, notice how I have the makeleader proc in there? It DOES add (/guild_system/owner/verb) <--these verbs. Blah, I found out that I have to call procs just to remove owner verbs when transferring ownership and when giving the regular guild verbs to a avoid a possible infinite cross-reference loop(gr.)

Thank you for your suggestions.