I've been trying to use the Shift proc as listed in the BYOND reference, but I've been getting an error telling me that its an undefined proc.

Has the format of this proc been changed? Or its name? Or has it been destroyed?

Sorry if there's been some obvious statement about this somewhere - I didn't find anything in a search of the forums, but I don't have time to go through updates notes.
var/icon/I = asdf.dmi'

It works, that'll show it up as undefined. You have to relate it to an icon.
Gathin wrote:
I've been trying to use the Shift proc as listed in the BYOND reference, but I've been getting an error telling me that its an undefined proc.

Has the format of this proc been changed? Or its name? Or has it been destroyed?

It's impossible to tell what went wrong unless you post some of the code you used.

Lummox JR