I would be very much interested in my game having a d ay or night system, and a weather system. I would want it to be like a verb for the weather, but only some certain administrator levels get it, and also, when someone hosts, he gets to choose the weather type (but the host cant change it later on) Even if he chooses snowy, it wont have to snow all the time, it might even occasionally rain. And, if its been snowing for some time, then the ground will get snowy.
i dont know enough code yet to do this myself, but im guessing it would be like..

//Probably some overlay thing here that would affect the whole map, So it would make a snowing icon with a layer = 5. no idea of how to do that.
//Something to make a random choice
if random choice is bla bla blah
//another overlay for the whole map, Snow on the ground this time.

I know its hard for someone as new to coding as me, but i really want to learn..
In response to Shadowdarke
Thanks again ShadowDarke.. Looks like your the person who has most helped me. O.o
In response to Takaru
Hmm. It wont set the area to "outside" by default, and i have no idea of why not.
In response to Takaru
You already have different areas on your map. You could fill your maps with the outside area from the demo, or alter the code to work with your existing areas.
In response to Shadowdarke
Couldn't you also go like...
area = /area/outside?
*I don't knwo if that's in your demo*
In response to Hell Ramen
It is in the demo.
In response to Shadowdarke