Dec 4 2004, 12:21 pm
Okay, my map is 10x10 tiles. I turned a 320pix*320pix png into 100 different icon_states (0,0; 1,0; 2,0; etc) Now, I do the basic HUD code but set it to AREA_LAYER and it doesn't work. Can anyone help me out?
In response to JackGuy
JackGuy wrote:
I am not 100% sure, but with that on the area layer, the turfs are overtop of it, which will not allow you to see it.This is a sidescroller, so the HUD is supposed to be a background. All there is is blank area. |
In response to FireEmblem
did you set the screen_loc for each icon_state placed?
In response to JackGuy
indeed I did...
In response to FireEmblem
did you add the icon_state to the client.screen ?
{It would be easier if you showed us some code so we can look for any off-the-wall problems} |
If that does not work, show us your code for placing it on the screen. (There may be a small problem in it such as not placing it on the client.screen, or not using the screen_loc variable to set where it goes on the screen)