Is it possible to create a "World" var that you can assign to the "World?" For instance, I am trying to make it so that a user can not "host" offline nor online unless their IP matches the IP : *.*.*.* : *. If they're IP DOES match it, then it assigns the world a Full_Hosting_Access var to equal 1. it possible? Thanks for any help in advance. :P
Yeah, you can just make a var to assign... nothing. So it is basically "global" and "worldly"


~~> Dragon Lord
Lenox wrote:
Is it possible to create a "World" var that you can assign to the "World?" For instance, I am trying to make it so that a user can not "host" offline nor online unless their IP matches the IP : *.*.*.* : *. If they're IP DOES match it, then it assigns the world a Full_Hosting_Access var to equal 1. it possible? Thanks for any help in advance. :P

Two problems with your approach: 1) Almost no IPs are truly static, even on cable, and 2) the external IP address isn't really known to the game. Determining a valid host should be done based on key or on something you can tie to the system itself.

Lummox JR