Hey, how would I go about making a list that belongs to uh..well..I'm not sure if it'd be an instance of a datum or just../shrug, but I am trying to take a list, and have it belong to a certain Guild, a list called "GuildMembers". How would I go about doing this? So far, i've tried this:

GuildMembers = list()

But I'm not just doesn't look right. Any suggestions or anything would be appreciated :P. Thank you for reading your post(If you bothered to read all the nonsense above, lol).

Lenox wrote:
So far, i've tried this:

> Guild_System
> var
> list
> GuildMembers = list()

But I'm not just doesn't look right.

Did you actually try it at runtime and not just abandon it when it looked wrong?

That is exactly how you would want it to be.