How would I go about finding a word in a sentance?

Say(T as text)
if(length(T) >= 5)

That would do if a word had more than 5 letters, or if it had more than 5 words, how could I just make it for one word?
That would make it check to see if the string is longer than 5 characters, not words. To find a word, use findtext().

In response to Xooxer
Hmm, I am looking for words greater than 5 letters though. So wouldn't length() be appropriate?
I'm not quite sure what you're asking, but, if you're asking what I think you are, you would use findtext().
In response to N1ghtW1ng
N1ghtW1ng wrote:
Hmm, I am looking for words greater than 5 letters though. So wouldn't length() be appropriate?

Oh, so you're looking for ANY word greater than 5 letters? Well, in that case, you would have to use copytext() to divide it up word by word (Use spaces to locate words), and for each word, check if its length is greater than 5.
In response to Wizkidd0123
Ah ok, can anyone give me an example on how I would make it look in the seperate words? I have really never used copytext() and don't fully understand it.