Concept of Saving var's of area's?
Is it possible to save var's of an area? I currently have a house system that goes a little something like this:
area/house House1 House2 var owned Enter(atom/movable/A) if(ismob(A)) var/mob/M=A if(owned) if(M.owner=="House1") return 1 else switch(alert("",,"Yes","No")) if("Yes") M.owner="House1" owned=1 else M<<"You dont have enough G!" if("No") return 0
and i was wondering if it would be possible to set the owner of that house as a var and then save it some how. I haven't really touched on save files in awhile so could someone give me some information on if this can be done and if so how?
If the area already exists(is put on the map at compile time), then you just need to save some way to identify the area(possibly you could give each area a unique tag variable), and then the owner variable. When you load, find the area using the tag, and then set the owner.