Alright, Gooseheaded and I took hours trying to figure out how this thing worked. After such a long time, I finally got a local instance of the game to run.

I am considering making a BYOND EXE helper to make this sort of work a lot less tedious and more user-friendly. That way, anyone with distribution keys.

I at least got something useful out of it in the end. Here's a standalone version of my current project (not much to show right now). MicrORPG.exe
The standalone should generate an exe through the default configuration if you override the settings (mainly the key). I know this wasn't working at one time earlier this year but I thought I fixed it. At least no one said otherwise. At any rate, saying something doesn't work without telling us why doesn't help at all, so file a bug report.

Although this isn't something we plan on expanding (since there will be an html5 standalone), we'd at least like to ensure that it works out of the box without much effort. It should not need a helper program as all you (should) need to do is set a few config items and optionally download NSIS.
Sorry. I didn't mean to sound like I was nagging. We just ran across a lot of hurdles that seemed to be unexpected and not documented. As mentioned, I think I'll make a helper application in BYOND to automate or make things a little more user-friendly.

  • To ensure that the game is ceated using the EXE creator successfully, the game's assets folder in Documents->BYOND->bin should be deleted. The files are created when the executable is run for the first time, but doesn't overwrite after it is run a second time.
  • byondexe.exe doesn't like beta builds (naturally, but was an oversight). You'll need to clean compile your application in a stable build of Dream Maker.
  • hub.ini is noted in the documentation, but I feel like it should be included with the default values in the standard download files (even if commented out).
  • is noted in the documentation, and seems like a decent way to ensure that the game's assets are properly loaded. This was overlooked by both Goose and myself, though.
That's because the Goober is intellectually super.
In response to EmpirezTeam
EmpirezTeam wrote:
That's because the Goober is intellectually super.

( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
Yut Put wrote:
Holy crap, this thread was extremely helpful. After two hours of helplessness, I came here. Makeii's advice worked on my first try.

Thankfully I didn't struggle as much. I found another post where Tom explained some things. Kinda figured out the rest on my own. I do wish I found this post sooner though, haha. I do believe Mr_Goober nailed all the points of struggle with the program.

While I think the ByondExe is a really nice tool, I can't help but miss creating my own Launcher in C#. I feel like I had the freedom I wanted to do anything! =[
Do you still have to pay for the standalone or is it free to use now?
In response to Avainer1
Avainer1 wrote:
Do you still have to pay for the standalone or is it free to use now?

It's not my position to say, but there are plenty of people that have been given access for free. Contacting Tom/Lummox whoever via support is your best bet. I sent in a request today and got a speedy reply the same day.
If you guys need help with customizing it more let me know! I had probably a good 2 weeks learning how to customize it.
The main issue Goose and I were having was being able to get the launcher to launch a singleplayer game. That was the hardest part to us. The resat of it is pretty easy to understand because the launcher's splash is a browser and is customized with CSS.

Oh theres a single player launcher? too? mind sharing a little knowledge with me how you got it to work? lol