world<<"[usr] has logged in"
icon = 'lobby.dmi'
icon_state = 'Guy"
loc = locate(1,1,1)
icon = null
usr<<"Please stay away from the subway"
Dec 24 2004, 5:34 am
mob Intercom |
In response to N1ghtW1ng
Actually i dont get any messeges at all....
if found when i was working on the code for nano bots the Enter() and Entered() commands only work for turf when walking into an object.
In response to Zelldot
that makes no sence only works for turf walking into an object?
I'm pretty sure user when stepped on should be src
(I've been programing in C++ so my DM is a little shakey) heh are you sure your adding it to the map? Are you sure somethings bellow iT? |
In response to Flame Sage
there was something below it that was the problem does it need to be the bottem of the layers?
In response to Strawgate
Enter() and Entered() only work for turfs, try using Bumped() here
The reason Entered() or Enter() doesn't work with /obj or /mob types is because you don't actually enter them. It is possible for Enter() and Entered() to work in /obj or /mob but it would require going into the contents.
When you "Enter()" a turf you go inside of its contents. The corrected code didn't output anything because you never "Entered()" the /obj contents. Hmm...Sorry that's repetitive. -Zi |
In response to Zero's Baby
Bumped() isn't a real procedure. It's something you'd have to define on your own.
Secondly, any real Bumped() procedure should only be called when an obstacle blocks your path, rather than entering a square successfully. I, myself tend to create a special object type. turf |
That should work find...if you get any of the debug messages that isn't good >.>