What i'm trying to say is that people in some MMO's have no originality. You're supposed to build a character that is unique... not one that's like everyone else. So without further ado, here are the top five items that make things infuriating in MMORPGS.
5. The Sato MAG (Phantasy Star Online)

To be basic, a MAG is your "pet" on Phantasy Star Online. It follows you around, raises your stats as you feed it, and lets you use special abilities. To get a SATO, you raise it's stats a certain way. But the thing about SATO is that everyone and their dog uses one. Not only that, but this MAG has absolutely nothing that sets it apart from other mags, aside from the fact that it's a cute little fox. There are cooler-looking MAGs in the game (look for yourself). Perhaps people think that having this thing makes them feel better than everyone else. It really dosen't.
What it represents : Sato represents a trend that needlessly exists. It also represtents an effort that is completely unnecesary.
4. The Healing Clip (Ragnarok Online)

Everyone loves to heal. That's why the Healing Clip is so valuable. These things sell for upwards of 3 Million zeny on most RO servers. The Healing Clip allows you to use Rank 1 of Heal. Yep, you just payed 3 Million Zeny to recover about 1/40th of your health for half of your Mana. Because Heal is stat-based, most melee classes get the amazing benefit of wasting their Mana trying to keep themselves alive, instead of Tanking like they should be. This is what people roll acolytes for: healing.
What it represents: The Healing clip represents spending an unacceptable amount of money for something that dosent benefit you at all. For casters, it's slightly more useful, but the people who buy this are the melee classes, who get no rewards at all.
3. Mechguns(Phantasy Star Online)

Either Sega is awful at class balance, or they intentionaly made Mechguns overpowered. Here's how it works : Mechguns outdamage any weapon in the game. That's right, even the rarest, most hard-to-get items only do about a quarter of the damage mechguns do. Any character can use them, and they usually take out most monsters in one stream of hits. Because of this, everyone in PSO uses Mechguns (along with their Sato mags) to down bosses within 20 seconds. Bringing a gun to a knife fight is cheap, indeed.
What it means: Dreamcast era MMO's were intentially unbalanced to drive people insane.
2. Gnomish Mind Control Cap(World of Warcraft)

You'll see a lot of these, especially if you're in a raiding guild. And chances are, it'll set your raid back for a half hour while everyone is trying to recover from being flung into the lava in BRM by one of these.When you see a diver helmet, it's over for you, and possibly your guild.
What it means: One single item can destroy more than your equipment.
1. The Whisper Card (Ragnarok Online)
Take a good look at it. Now take a good look at everyone around you. Notice how everyone except you can dodge every single attack while you get hit. Everyone on RO uses these.
However, that's not the worst part about it at all. This card is targetted by gold farmers. Because it has a drop rate of 0.01%, people who are looking to ruin the economy of RO spends hours upon hours trying to get one of these to drop. As a result, you cannot grind inside dungeons with the Whisper mobs, ever. If you're lucky, you can find a few wandering in the overworld. Wait a minute, RO has an overworld?
So when people finally do get these cards, they sell them for millions of zeny. Basically, you're the only person in the world without one of these. Way to go.
What it means : One item can ruin an entire economy, several dungeons, and a hell of a lot of souls.
And there you go, the five most irritating items on MMORPGs. If you disagree, I don't care. I'd like to see you think of better.