When you walk to the end of the map(litterealy the end, not the end of like a small patch of grass but the actual end of the map file), People can walk off onto the black. I have checked and double checked it is the end of the map file. if you have any Idea why this is happening. HELP!
You're probably setting their loc directly somehow when they move. If telling a mob to move to the right set their loc like this:

mob.loc = locate(mob.x+1, mob.y, mob.z)

Then it'll try to relocate them on a location that doesn't exist. And when they happens, they're automatically moved to null.

Whatever the case, if people are falling off the map, you'll want to check if the location exists before moving anything there.

var/turf/T = get_step(src, dir)
src.loc = T

But generally you're better off just using the Move() proc, which checks for these things automatically.
In response to Foomer
Or, he may be using 2+ maps.
Solution(one of them): use z-levels
In response to Hell Ramen
second person is right, >.> its obviously a bug with using multiple map files of different sizes.
my solution-
using all maps the same size instead of using multiple map z for each one. I will just put more things on the one z. thank you. I figured it out on my own.
In response to Lifehunter
Lifehunter wrote:
second person is right, >.> its obviously a bug with using multiple map files of different sizes.

It's not a bug as such, just an odd consequence of the way DM compiles maps. Each Z level has to have the same X and Y size, or the smaller ones will get black borders around them.

One solution, as you discovered, is to make all of your maps the same size. Another solution is to make an opaque, dense, black turf and draw it as a border on the north and east sides of all your maps.