I'm having trouble figuring out how to make history available for pop-up windows (Such as using a browser's back button, or hitting Alt + left arrow). In the reference it says "multiple calls to browse() with the same window name overwrite previous contents of the same popup window." Does that mean if I use the same window name there will be no history? That seems to be what it does. If I use different window names, though, it shows up in different windows, which means no history of course. Setting the target to "_self" in the links doesn't seem to work either. Does anyone else have ideas on how I can have pop-ups with history? =)
YMIHere wrote:
I'm having trouble figuring out how to make history available for pop-up windows (Such as using a browser's back button, or hitting Alt + left arrow). In the reference it says "multiple calls to browse() with the same window name overwrite previous contents of the same popup window." Does that mean if I use the same window name there will be no history? That seems to be what it does. If I use different window names, though, it shows up in different windows, which means no history of course. Setting the target to "_self" in the links doesn't seem to work either. Does anyone else have ideas on how I can have pop-ups with history? =)

Well, as it says - you can't really have "back" when the information is updated. It's like hitting a back button on a page that was updated while you were still looking at current content then refreshed. Only way I can really see a "back button" type feature would be to make a temporary mob variable, and store the data in that variable as a list, and when they use the "back" function, reload that page with the information.
In response to Teh Governator
That's the problem, why is it overwriting pages with the same name, when there is an option to do so if people want to? It doesn't make sense, that's why I think I'm mis-interpreting this.
In response to YMIHere
Because, the "window=name" option doesn't mean the actual window's name. It's merely an identifier for the ease of updating windows that the programmer needs/wants updated. What you need to do is change that window option to something else, and change the actual "title" to the appropriate thing in the body.
In response to Teh Governator
Oh, I'm not using as a title. It appears to be the only way to get a pop-up. "If window is not specified, the embedded browser panel will be used."
In response to YMIHere
YMIHere wrote:
Oh, I'm not using as a title. It appears to be the only way to get a pop-up. "If window is not specified, the embedded browser panel will be used."

Then, use different names for the option. =P
In response to Teh Governator
Then it's in a different pop-up. I won't have history that way either. =P