Valid values are:


whats plural?
Plural, as in both male and female.
In response to Jon88
Jon88 wrote:
Plural, as in both male and female.

/me thinks of splatty...
In response to Jon88
how you set that in your user o.o?
In response to Strawgate
src.client.gender = PLURAL

Or do you mean when you're making an account? :p
In response to Hell Ramen
You can't set client.gender, it's read only. =)
You can set it from your account on the website.
In response to YMIHere
YMIHere wrote:
You can't set client.gender, it's read only. =)
You can set it from your account on the website.

You can set a gender var for something...maybe it was the mob? I know because I'm doing it in Tales of Pristine. :p
In response to Hell Ramen
You certainly can with mobs. The reference says nothing about client.gender being read-only though, maybe you actually can change it. It just doesn't seem like you should. =\
In response to Jon88
Jon88 wrote:
Plural, as in both male and female.

Nope, that's neutral you're thinking of. Plural exists so that \a and other macros can adapt to plural nouns like "elves", or collective singular nouns like "money", "food", and "water".

usr << "You see \a [src]."


This would say "You see some food."

Lummox JR
In response to Hell Ramen
in your account