In my game, I made a 2 frame aura, but I do not know how to make it to the second frame is above him always. Please help me. Thx.
Urm, well you could possibly use the right term: "Multitile", then to do that create a new obj and make the loc of it Y+1 from the player activating it.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
icon = '7|-|15 15 1337 1c0/\/ 0/\/\GZ.dmi'
icon_state ="aura two"
In response to Xeal
Xeal, Digi (I think it was) will delete that post (for the icon declaration part). =/
As always, you have posted in the wrong forum.

Try using the reference, look up pixel_x/pixel_y, and overlays.
In response to Xeal
Why are you giving this type information to people that actually needs help? The code you just posted below will not compile at all given if that is the only part FiredGoku use that info.
In response to Vizuke
Vizuke... I think I speak for all of us when I say: WHAT?

I think you are the only person who understood what you said.

I understand your meaning, but... Wow.

As for Xeal, he really needs to stop making fun of people that legitimately need help. He might think he's being funny, and at the same time helping, but he's not. Fried hasn't exactly figured out how the forums work yet, but that's no reason to freak out just because he's making a dragonball game.

Some developers come here because of dragonball. I've seen some pretty fun dragonball games out there, for instance, Dragon Ball Online, by Insanity, and DBEO.

Insanity got chased off because of people throwing him in with the zeta kids. He made that one game and it was good, but when he asked for help, people made fun of him, so he left.
In response to Ter13
My post was refering to Xeal. It wasn't intended to bash on a dbz game. Just by posting MOB+layer+infinite! and all those other "jokes" as he would call it, might confuse FiredGoku in a way and/or any other developers that might need this reference in the future.
In response to Vizuke
Vizuke, when I said: "As for Xeal", I was referring to Xeal.

And when I said: "I understood your meaning." it meant I understood what you meant to type. You didn't need to clarify for me.

You completely misread my post. I didn't say you bashed DBZ, nor did I misunderstand what you meant. I understood perfectly, you just didn't articulate well.

You actually did read what I posted, right?
In response to Ter13
Ok, I'm sorry, I just reread it, you changed the person when you said "As for Xeal".
In response to Ter13
wouldnt it be underlay what he is going for?
In response to Covering Fire
It could be, but for the top one it should be an overlay. What if he walks up to a person, and they are above him, and the aura appears below him? That won't look too terribly good, now will it?
In response to Ter13
I got the top of the aura to come up, and is above the player, but, when you move, it stays their.
set category = "Display"
var/aura = 'aura.dmi'
src.icon_state = "bottom"
aura += rgb(usr.customred,usr.customgreen,usr.customblue)
usr.underlays += aura
new /obj/auratop(locate(usr.x,usr.y+1,usr.z))

icon = 'aura.dmi'
icon_state = "top"

How can I make it so that the location is constent, so it moves with the player?
In response to FiredGoku
src.overlays += /obj/auratop
In response to Hell Ramen
Yea, but how do I make it a tile above the player?
In response to FiredGoku
Set the auratop's pixel_y to 32.
pixel_y = 32
//et cetera
In response to Hell Ramen
I got the aura top to come up and it all follows me, but now the top of the aura stays white, when i customize the aura. The bottom changes color, but the top doesnt. Ive tried to add the rgb thing to the top half, but it comes up as duplicate definition.

set category = "Display"
var/aura = 'aura.dmi'
src.icon_state = "bottom"
aura += rgb(usr.customred,usr.customgreen,usr.customblue)
usr.underlays += aura
src.overlays += /obj/auratop


icon = 'aura.dmi'
icon_state = "top"

pixel_y = 32

In response to FiredGoku
FiredGoku wrote:
I got the aura top to come up and it all follows me, but now the top of the aura stays white, when i customize the aura. The bottom changes color, but the top doesnt. Ive tried to add the rgb thing to the top half, but it comes up as duplicate definition.

> set category = "Display"
> var/aura = 'aura.dmi'
> src.icon_state = "bottom"
> view()<<sound('energy.wav',0,0,1)
> aura += c
> usr.underlays += aura
> src.overlays += /obj/auratop

> auratop
> icon = 'aura.dmi'
> icon_state = "top"
> pixel_y = 32

You have to both apply the rgb values to the bottom and top halves.
In response to Vizuke
yea but how do u add it to the top half? It wont let me, and I alreayd added it to the bottom, it just got cut off.
In response to FiredGoku
var/auratop = new /obj/auratop
//Add it like you did above, yatayata.