Anime Pack: I drew this back when I was making fun of anime games.
Not sure what this is: I drew this a while back but I can't remember why.
Me fighting Bandwagon: Bandwagon wanted a war, and that's exactly what they got.
Me impersonating the crybabies back when we had blogs and some posts were getting hidden from the front page:
99% of the community: This is what I imagine most of our user base looked like back when we had blogs.
Pissing off Cyberlord34: Not sure if you guys remember Cyberlord34, but I pissed him off really bad and 2 or 3 random kids spammed his blog on my behalf and this was the result. This was his alternate key.
Falacy is easily trolled: There's only 3 people I miss. Calus, Forum_account, and Falacy. Falacy because he was so great at taking the bait, mate.
Kumorii was in a bad mood: I didn't like Kumorii's CSS back when we had blogs, and I said it often enough to where Kumorii just decided to ban me from his blog so I couldn't say it anymore. Lol.
Hitler Pie Chart: I don't know why I have a Hitler pie chart in my files but somehow it's there, so here it is.
Metier War Help File: The help file I made for the only game I profited from on BYOND.
Ulric Comic: This comic, and the character "Ulric" was an inside joke. However it's been years and I can't remember why this "Ulric" guy was supposed to be funny.
BYOND Pager: Don't ask.
Some chat room I logged into: Don't ask about this either.
Me impersonating the people who got banned from NEStalgia:
Some map I made that I used to have in my pixel art portfolio:
Of course this is only a fraction of my wonderful experiences on BYOND. Whether this site stays or goes I will always remember the 9 dysfunctional years I spent with you all.