Keywords: client, test, web, webclient
(See the best response by Tom.)
First I would like to thank the space provided to answer questions and thank those who respond, I own the WPO (World Piece Online) project.

I honestly had no courage to deliver me the project for not seeing a future to expand it as I want, until I saw the standalone client, I think it was exactly what I was looking for, the environment and freedom of creation byond on a project that I could use the way that is most attractive to me. however now with the beta came the possibility of the web client and her thousand doors opened and a thousand new ways to develop the project, I'm happy to say that my courage returned, and I think about migrating to the web client.

basically the reason for the post is that even though I'm so excited I'm also equally lost, know that the migration of a complete game created for the common client involves compatibility issues of resources used and adjustments asks, thinking about it I came to the conclusion to create a game test where there is only a map and a character of sticks. and try to run it in the web client, the only function of the walking doll is the only thing that turfs do is block or allow the passage of the character. But when I try to run this test on the web client I am faced with a blank screen, and I do not know if the reason for this is that I lack implement interface or if my browser is not compatible, or if I'm simply doing it wrong, if finally someone could understand my problem please ask to try to help me: D

If you're using the latest build of BYOND just released tonight you may be running into an issue I discovered myself, if you open the browser's javascript console you should be given more details.
In response to Nadrew
my j console:

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
2Font from origin '' has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.
20$f.fireEvent fp3.2.13.min.js:22
Error: Ad adLoadError error: No ads were found in the ad response. At least one ad is required to be able to load or play. errorCode: 1001 (program):1
[ERROR] time 10:48:15.324 :: : Possible logic error, the plugin vast requesting ad display but ad already is the current ad (program):1
<message collected> (program):1
[String] name = LINEAR (program):1
[int] code = 0 (program):1
<message collected> (program):1
[String] adTagUrl = 55182&LR_SCHEMA=vast2-vpaid&LR_TITLE=Title&LR_VIDEO_ID=Video ID&LR_AUTOPLAY=0&LR_ALLOW_RETRY=4 (program):1
[int] duration = -2 (program):1
[int] time = 0 (program):1
[Boolean] isDynamic = false (program):1
[String] name = LINEAR (program):1
[int] code = 0 (program):1
[int] height = 244 (program):1
[Boolean] skippable = false (program):1
[String] id = VPAID (program):1
[Boolean] adSkippableState = false (program):1
[int] width = 360 (program):1
<message collected> (program):1
STOP LOGGING: More than 255 nested objects or properties. (program):1
2$f.fireEvent fp3.2.13.min.js:22
[ERROR] time 10:48:15.372 :: com.bigsool.advertising.engines.ima.vast::IMAVastPodManager : Attention possible logic error, new state is current state ! (program):1
[ERROR] time 10:48:15.383 :: com.bigsool.advertising.slots::SlotManager : Attention possible logic error, new state is current state ! (program):1
[ERROR] time 10:48:15.387 :: com.bigsool.advertising.engines.ima.vast::IMAVastPodManager : Attention possible logic error, new state is current state ! (program):1
22$f.fireEvent fp3.2.13.min.js:22
Error: Ad adLoadError error: No ads were found in the ad response. At least one ad is required to be able to load or play. errorCode: 1001 (program):1
[ERROR] time 10:48:24.222 :: : Possible logic error, the plugin vast requesting ad display but ad already is the current ad (program):1
<message collected> (program):1
[String] name = LINEAR (program):1
[int] code = 0 (program):1
<message collected> (program):1
[String] adTagUrl = t2-vpaid&LR_AUTOPLAY=1&LR_CONTENT=1&LR_TITLE=FutureAdsBRZ_We b&LR_VIDEO_ID=FutureAdsBRZ (program):1
[int] duration = -2 (program):1
[int] time = 0 (program):1
[Boolean] isDynamic = false (program):1
[String] name = LINEAR (program):1
[int] code = 0 (program):1
[int] height = 244 (program):1
[Boolean] skippable = false (program):1
[String] id = VPAID (program):1
[Boolean] adSkippableState = false (program):1
[int] width = 360 (program):1
<message collected> (program):1
STOP LOGGING: More than 255 nested objects or properties. (program):1
2$f.fireEvent fp3.2.13.min.js:22
[ERROR] time 10:48:24.269 :: com.bigsool.advertising.engines.ima.vast::IMAVastPodManager : Attention possible logic error, new state is current state ! (program):1
[ERROR] time 10:48:24.280 :: com.bigsool.advertising.slots::SlotManager : Attention possible logic error, new state is current state ! (program):1
[ERROR] time 10:48:24.284 :: com.bigsool.advertising.engines.ima.vast::IMAVastPodManager : Attention possible logic error, new state is current state ! (program):1
2$f.fireEvent fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent Array[1] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent Array[6] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent Array[6] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent Array[6] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent Array[6] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent Array[6] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent Array[6] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent Array[6] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent Array[6] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent Array[6] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent ["onMetaData", 0, Object, null, null, null] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS
$f.fireEvent ["onResized", 0, null, null, null, null] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS beacon?viewId=913d9e3abbca4d87b07dce27638edea0901…=fpads&l &v=1.2
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS
$f.fireEvent ["onStart", 0, Object, null, null, null] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent ["onPause", 0, null, null, null, null] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent ["onBeforeUnmute", null, null, null, null, null] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent ["onUnmute", null, null, null, null, null] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent ["onBegin", 0, Object, null, null, null] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent ["onMetaDataChange", 0, Object, null, null, null] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent ["onPluginEvent", "dfp", "onSDKEvent", Object, null, null] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent ["onPluginEvent", "dfp", "onSDKEvent", Object, null, null] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
Error: Ad adLoadError error: No ads were found in the ad response. At least one ad is required to be able to load or play. errorCode: 1001 VM551:1
[ERROR] time 10:48:33.367 :: : Possible logic error, the plugin vast requesting ad display but ad already is the current ad VM552:1
[Array] VM553:1
[String] name = LINEAR VM554:1
[int] code = 0 VM555:1
[Object] adRequest VM556:1
[String] adTagUrl = t2-vpaid&LR_AUT…ITLE=FutureAdsRON&[LR_URL]&1413985708&[LR_ HEIGHT]&[LR_WIDTH]&[LR_VIDEO_URL] VM557:1
[int] duration = -2 VM559:1
[int] time = 0 VM560:1
[Boolean] isDynamic = false VM561:1
[String] name = LINEAR VM562:1
[int] code = 0 VM563:1
[int] height = 244 VM564:1
[Boolean] skippable = false VM565:1
[String] id = VPAID VM566:1
[Boolean] adSkippableState = false VM567:1
[int] width = 360 VM568:1
[Array] wrapperAdSystems VM569:1
STOP LOGGING: More than 255 nested objects or properties. VM571:1
$f.fireEvent ["onPluginEvent", "dfp", "onSDKEvent", Object, null, null] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent ["onPluginEvent", "dfp", "onAdCompleted", Object, null, null] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
[ERROR] time 10:48:33.434 :: com.bigsool.advertising.engines.ima.vast::IMAVastPodManager : Attention possible logic error, new state is current state ! VM581:1
[ERROR] time 10:48:33.438 :: com.bigsool.advertising.slots::SlotManager : Attention possible logic error, new state is current state ! VM583:1(anonymous function) VM583:1
[ERROR] time 10:48:33.457 :: com.bigsool.advertising.engines.ima.vast::IMAVastPodManager : Attention possible logic error, new state is current state ! VM585:1
$f.fireEvent ["onBeforeStop", 0, null, null, null, null] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
$f.fireEvent ["onStop", 0, null, null, null, null] fp3.2.13.min.js:22
Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/plain: " creative.jsonp?uid=&p=50296486-753f-419a-b8f3-ed9…&rt=&l=h t=2456". showads_p.js:7
Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/plain: " i?token=433c062cea264efda5ff80ee0d97ab4e&e=MQA1AD…AtADgAMA BlAGUAMABkADkANwBhAGIANABlAHwAMQB8AFQAcgB1AGUAfABGAGEAbABzAG UA&z=1". showads_p.js:4
Resource interpreted as Image but transferred with MIME type text/javascript: "".
Best response
Run v.1262 until we release 1263 later today. I updated the download page earlier.
well, sorry about this post, the problem of my test was not the web client, i was trying to connect from hoster pc.. i tested another place and i log in, ty all!!! :D