I have this hugeass attack verb with alot of mathemathics and whatnot.

but i hated the fact that When i attacked, a list pops up of who you want to attack if there were many monsters around you. However, i fixed that with a thing that made you attack only what you face. But now, When i open a door, and a monster walks to that spot, Then it still pops up as a list. So what i want to do is, I want to make it so one can only attack the Monster mobs. And once i get the hang of it, the player mobs. I do have a special group for monsters(Mob
monster, etc)

Im pretty sure the thing you gotta edit would be in these lines

Attack(mob/M as mob in get_step(usr,usr.dir))

So i won't have to post my whole code. Thanks in advance.
There are a few ways to do this. I'll list one.
Put this below the verb start:
if(!istype(/mob/Monster)) return

Not much to do eh?