Feb 6 2005, 1:05 pm
Is there a way to use the flick proc but not have it affect the overlays that are on the character? For example, have the actual character do flick("attack",src) but if the hairs don't have a state "attack" then they don't dissappear. I hope there is a way to do that... Thanks in advance.
In response to Wizkidd0123
So how do other games do this? I have overlays for hairs on and they're set in one big .dmi file with icon states for each one. If I made the hairs and clothes each have a seperate .dmi file with an "attac" state also would that work? Seems like a lot of work and like it'd be really messy with like a jillion files. Is that how other games do it though?
In response to Newbreedofnerd
A lot of other games do it that way (millions if you count all the Zeta rips) and as far as I have found there is no way around it. But I am nieve (I can't even spell it!) and ignorant, so don't believe it until you here a DM Guru say it!
The icon_state of each and every one of an atom.overlays is equal to atom.icon_state. You can't change the icon_state of an atom without changing the icon_state of its overlays.