I havnt used this forum in a while like you told me too and i have learned to code a lil but im kinda stuck on this, can someone please help?? I want to make this as an inventory item and i have done that but now i want to have a drop verb for it but i dont want it to be in a tab or anything, i want you to ahev to click it, so is there somekind of hide thing??
obj//delcare objects
Potion//name it to potion
icon = 'items.dmi'//object icon file
icon_state = "potion"//potion icon state
//make a verb when you have the potion
Click()//name the verb us
set category = "Other"
if(usr.Health == usr.Mhealth)
usr << "You are already healed."

if(usr.Health == usr.Mhealth-49)
usr.Health = usr.Mhealth
usr << "You use the Potion"//msg to the user
usr.Health += 50//raise the users health to 10
usr << "You use the Potion"//msg to the user
del(src)//delete the potion they had
src.loc = usr.loc
view() << "[usr] drops the [src]"

Here is the code i have so far, just so you know i tried
You mean:
set category = null

In response to Foomer
Thanks, why didnt I think of that...