Is there a way to select certain mobs and move them where you want to? like a move verb, choose the mob, and then click where to go or maybe just click the mob and then where to go? Ive been trying to figure a way out, but i am no expert and so far nothing has worked too succesfully.
Try something of the sort like:
Move_mob(mob/M in world)
var/x=input("Teleport 100x100","X") as num
var/y=input("Teleport 100x100","Y") as num
if(x >= 101)
usr<<"number is to high"
usr<<"number is to high"
if(x <= 0)
usr<<"number is to low"
if(y <=0)
usr<<"number is to low"
M.x = x
M.y = y

I can't tell you if it will exactly work but you can try.
In response to Chwgt
Chw, that's not even close to what he wanted. o.o

Also, I believe there's a demo on what you want...Deadron made it I think.
In response to Hell Ramen
That's easy to c.c +p
In response to Chwgt
Ok now it's confusing me..., when I make it a verb I know it won't work becouse the Click() and DblClick are sometimes considered verbs but, if I do the following it compiles right c.c:
Move(mob/M in oview(6))
M.loc = locate(src.x,src.y,src.z)
In response to Chwgt
its more of like a choose and click location, because im not too sure people would like xy coordinates, and i would have been able to think of a way for the xy anyways, lol :).

I hope deadron did make something i will look around.

and anyone who can help, please reply. And thanks to those that look at this.

i wrote this before i saw your last post chgwt lol which i will be reading now
In response to TKo38
Deadron doesn't have the demo/lib, I swear I've seen one like that before. I know I have.
In response to Chwgt
Really weird becouse of the fact, that I didn't know that the turfs could have verbs, but I know that turfs can give you verbs like a turf using Entered() and Exited(), I know that but, this is just wierd c.c
In response to Hell Ramen
Probally in his dreams =P.
Click(A as turf)
walk_to(mob, A)

That might be helpful >.>, I am not sure if "as turf" would work, if it doesn't maybe try "as obj".
In response to N1ghtW1ng
N1ghtW1ng wrote:
> Click(A as turf)
> walk_to(mob, A)

That might be helpful >.>, I am not sure if "as turf" would work, if it doesn't maybe try "as obj".

It would if it was what i asked lol
if you do that, it moves your player. My topic was selection. I could of easily made what you posted, but i was wondering if you click a mob, it being now selected, and then you can choose where to go. SOrry if i wasnt clear.

In response to TKo38
Well, that would involve a little altering. Try doing something like...when you click a mob it saves itself in a variable, then when you click someone else make that variable walk_to() where you clicked.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
im experimenting with that ill tell you if i need any more assistance thanks im trying it now.
In response to TKo38
Alright, no problem.

/me remembers he actually has exactly what TKo38 is asking for, because of his old game. Night would rather TKo38 to try it himself before he has to dig it out.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
crap i still cant get it right... it either gets a error or does completely nothing....... Ill keep at i though....

I have gotten an alternative tht makes more.... makes understandment lol.
In response to TKo38
**months later** well long after my labtop was fried with kingdom empires, iplayed spme games here and there andstarteda few new games. Then, in my ltest one, knowing coding better than back then, im fooling around and am workng with a gm command that controls people (>=)). THen, a few minutes ago, i finished the code and realized it does exactly what i wanted this to do. I select a person in world, and there saved as a variable.(didnt know how to use input to edit variables well back then.) Then the variable is moved into the area i click if my cc is on (hen i use the control movement i ge tthat cc on). And i laughed to myself of how simple it was to get what i wasnt seeing, and how i found it later doing nothing. XD.
In response to TKo38
Well why don't you think about making it a demo? I could have used it a while back but I figured it put on my own.