I remember reading somewhere that combinations of keys can be pressed when making macroes (in the script file). Can this be done like pressing A+B+D will trigger verb A()?
A+B+D return "A"
I just tried it and got
C:\Program Files\BYOND\bin\MacroTest\MacroTest.dms:2:error at '+': statement syntax error

Wouldn't something like this interfere with other macros? Like wouldn't it try to call any macros for A B and C?
A return "A"
B return "A"
C return "A"
In response to Crashed
Crashed wrote:
A return "A"
B return "A"
C return "A"

Uhh I don't know much of any thing about macros as I have never used them in a game before. But I would think one thing you could do was store all the keys that you all ready have pressed?

And then take those pressed combos and enter them into a switch or if statement.
EGUY wrote:
I remember reading somewhere that combinations of keys can be pressed when making macroes (in the script file). Can this be done like pressing A+B+D will trigger verb A()?

If you mean pressing all three together, then no, that can't be done.

Lummox JR