Question:Ok, I am making a new Inuyasha game, with a friend, and I need to know, how to make Jakken walk to Sesshomaru when Sesshomaru is in Jakken's view.

1) Stop using the evil dub names
2) Use a simple AI system, except remove the "attack" function. Look in the demos section.
In response to Hell Ramen
In response to Chwgt
Chwgt wrote:

Translated from another language to another.
Like, in the sub, it's "Kaze no Kizu", in the dub, it's "Wind Scar".
Bbaadd Translator
Tessaiga > Tetsusaiga
In response to Hell Ramen
Lay off him.

Like, in the sub, it's "Kaze no Kizu", in the dub, it's "Wind Scar".

There's nothing wrong with that translation.

Bbaadd Translator
Tessaiga > Tetsusaiga

"tsu" when written in subscript (2nd definition) means to double up the following consonant, so this is an easy enough mistake to make.

but on the actual topic:

while(src) // check periodically
var/mob/Sesshomaru/S = locate() in oview(src) // check for target in view
if(S && get_dist(src,S) > 1) // if target is found and we're not already standing next to him
walk_to(src,S,1) // walk to him
sleep(100) // wait 10 seconds before checking again. change interval as desired