Okay, I'm working on a sniper game (Team Sniper Wars: BYOWND. you can check out the alpha if you want) and I need to know if it is possible to make a DMP Map change. I would just change the Z, but that wouldn't work because my game because of how I made it. Anyways, I need to know if there is a command to change DMP files. I tried this:

for(var/mob/M in world)

but of course that didn't work, just like I thought. I only tried that because I could not think of anything else, so do not think im a noob coder :P. although the solution is probably somthing simple that I never thought to do. Anyways, please respond soon because this is bugging me.
You could try something like

src.loc = locate(1,1,2)

Like whatever you want to use make it trigger this command...
In response to Lejendary Artz
yea, but that wouldn't bring the players to the new map, it would just take them to the red team base.

See, here is how my game is. On each map, there is three zlevels. 1 is blue base, 2 is red base, and 3 is where the eliminated players go. I can't make a map change through zlevels that way. Is there anyway I can make a verb to teleport players from map.dmp to facility.dmp and vice versa?
In response to Railkid
Yeah you can. The maps are listed alphabetically and if (1,1,3) is the eliminated from map Aa then (1,1,4) would be base blue for map Ab.
In response to N1ghtW1ng
okay thanks a lot i think that will work!