Woohoo! I've made twenty posts! What's next, twenty-one?! Only time will tell!
second. Twenty-Two is next.
Wrong, that post WAS the twentieth. =) I counted.
first. o.0
I dunno, man. I mean, props to you for getting to 20, but, man, going to like, 21 from like, 20 is a huge step. You gotta, like, be ready for it! Are you up to the challenge and worthy of having made 21 entire posts? Few make it that far!
I'm not sure, Vexxy! I'm not sure! I should make it a long post.

Edit: Only about a minute after posting this, I made my 21st post, woo hoo! It really tells my soul for those to listen.
You guys all fail at math. 20 + 1 = 22. It's all in the textbooks.
Audero. Stop trying to calculate, please!

20+1=201, everyone knows that. >:(