how do you make an object/mob density = 0 for players and density = 1 for other mobs?
Jerryms wrote:
how do you make an object/mob density = 0 for players and density = 1 for other mobs?
density = 0

density = 1
In response to Gughunter
icon = 'iconfile.dmi'
icon_state = "hunh?"
name = "Obj"
density = 1 //toggle density by changing 1 to 0.

icon = 'player.dmi'
icon_state = "player?"
density = 1 //toggle density by changing 1 to 0.
In response to MasterLink2003
Thanks alot!:D
In response to Jerryms
but if it was like that, how do I make a wall for the player?
I think I see what you mean now. You want, say, a wall that players can walk through but other mobs will just bump into.

If I remember right, the Enter() proc has the built-in check for density. If so, something like this would work.

if(istype(A, /mob/player))
//allow players to enter
return 1
//return the default behavior for everyone else
return ..()