Is it possible to call a verb like you can procs? For example, is there a way to do something like src.whateververb() from somewhere?
Thanks in advance.
Mar 31 2005, 2:25 pm
Mar 31 2005, 2:27 pm
No, you can, however, make a proc and then call it in two seperate things.
Newbreedofnerd wrote:
Is it possible to call a verb like you can procs? For example, is there a way to do something like src.whateververb() from somewhere? Yup. That's perfectly legal. In most cases, if you end up doing it, it should probably be a proc anyway, but that's not always true. |
In response to Wizkidd0123
I was wrong then. >.>
Newbreedofnerd wrote:
Is it possible to call a verb like you can procs? For example, is there a way to do something like src.whateververb() from somewhere? It is, although if you do so, you should 1) no longer assume the sanctity of usr in the verb, or 2) only call it from other verbs where usr will be carried over correctly to the verb you call. Lummox JR |