Public schooling.

My opinion is, that in grade school, they take advantage of you, and it has happened to me. One teacher put me in detention for "flicking food at her." She wouldn't care if anyone else flicked food at another person. Besides, I didn't. I was pretending to flick food at no one in particular. And, it was no where near her. The thing is, she needed me to say I did it, so she kept telling me I did, when, after a few hours, I finally said I did it so I could get back to what I was doing.

Summary of the above: Public school is abusive.
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I got put in "detention" in elementary school, which was basically just lunch detention there, for walking too far out in the field at recess with a friend multiple times.
You can't blame all public schools for a problem that one public school may have.
I hated my public school. They gave kids detention for saying words like "crud", and "darn."
Tru dat.

Yeah, you can't blame all schools, but you CAN blame most of them.