I need to know how to make it so people can host my games without host files or the source. I just cant fuigure it out. Please tell me howm to upload my game to a website. I have the website and everything. I just need ot know how to upload the game to the website.
Thanks for your time ^.^
![]() Apr 7 2005, 12:25 pm
Higoten wrote:
Yes, but how do i upload it? I have the zip package and everything. I jus tnne to know how to upload the zipped package to the site Like I said, your site will tell you that. Either you use FTP or there's a Web-based utility to do it. So this forum is not where you'd ask that; look in their help section for more info. Lummox JR |
The ghost of Garthor returns to haunt the forums and use up 5 minutes of Lummox's time. Woo-oo-oo-oo!
If you're really not Garthor, I'll tell you that FTP is File Transfer Protocol and it's often used to upload files. If there's no Upload Files link on your website's page, you might have to look around and see how to FTP it to them. If you're using a common host, you might mention the name so that anyone else who uses it could point you in the right direction. If your host has a forum, it would be wise to ask there. If you're Garthor, I miss you. The forums were funnier, even if they were less productive and more demoralizing. If you're not Garthor, best of luck uploading your files. -LoW |
Nowatimean wrote:
Can you just tell me? I really need to know. No I can't tell you. Your Web host will tell you. I can keep saying that as much as you want, but until you grasp that nobody here has the answer, you'll keep spinning your wheels. I don't know it, nobody else here knows it, but your host knows it. Your Web host has either set up FTP access or a Web-based utility to upload content to their space. Ask them. Whatever mechanism you'd use to upload a Web page to their space, that's the same one you'd use for a .zip file for your game. And please pay careful attention to this next part: Nobody is going to spoon-feed you answers you're too lazy to find on your own. In my first reply I gave you all you needed to know where to look next, and that was the very best anyone here could do to help you. I don't know anything more specific because I don't know who your Web host is. You did imply that you had one, so that doesn't seem to be the problem; but if it is, you should have said so. At this point your only option is to find out from your host how to put files in your Web space. Most of them have a help page telling you specifically what to do, and that's exactly what I suggested you look for. Short of that, you can contact the support team for your host to see if they can answer you directly. If you are unwilling to do any of that, then your question will never be answered and it's entirely your fault. For all the good it will do to keep asking me, you may as well ask your dog how to install an air conditioner. The only difference is, I know enough to point you over to the manual. Lummox JR |
...I mean, how do i like, extract my game if i have the web site and the zipped file to the website?
Higoten wrote:
... You guys dont undersatan,. I need to know HOW to upload my zipped file to the web site that im linking to my game. Dude, I told you that about four times. We don't have that answer, but your Web host does. Go ask your Web host. Stop asking the same question to the same people over and over like it's going to make a difference. If there's something one of us said that's not clear, by all means we can clarify it, but I don't see how much clearer we could be by this point. Nobody here will know how to upload files to your Web space unless they have the exact same host, since different hosts allow uploading different ways. Although most use FTP, the FTP server is different for every host, so we definitely couldn't give you exact info on how to configure your FTP client. (Though if you've never used an FTP client, we could help you find one and configure it if you knew the rest of the information.) And since you haven't told anyone who your host is, nobody even knows if they have that same host so they could help you or not. Give us more information, or better yet contact your Web host yourself. How the heck do you expect anyone to answer a question if you won't give them the info they need to help? And why do you expect us, who know nothing of your situation, to answer a question you could have the Web host answer for you? Honestly, we'd like to help you, but we're not the ones to do that here. We might be able to offer some small assistance if we knew more, or take you step by step through your host's instructions, but that's about it. We're the wrong people to ask, and I've explained this several times. If you'd said that your host gave you an answer but you didn't understand a certain part of it, that'd at least be something to go on, but you just keep asking us the very same question with no new information. Apparently you're not willing to make any effort at all--including telling us anything more specific--to find this answer! Lummox JR |
Now to business.
Nowatimean wrote:
They can't. They either need one or the other. Why you're reluctant to give out host files for a game you want people to host is a mystery to me.
Well, your Web provider should already have told you how to upload to their site, either with FTP or some sort of app of their own. All you need to do is upload the .zip package for the game to their space.
Lummox JR