In response to Jay1
Jay1 wrote:
I'm haveing mutiple races in my game, I want each race to have unique leveling system. For example the human race will be skilled in attack while an alien race will be skilled in speed for example. How do I make it so each race will gain those stats, do I create mutiple leveling systems?

Okay, that gets a little harder now

Thats where my knolwage of the situation goes out of reach. Ask one of these other peoples.

This code really doesn't make any sense in light of the problem. Leveling up is handled after experience is gained, not at login. It's also entirely ridiculous to have separate procs for separate races when there are many better ways to do it.

Lummox JR
Try pseudo code first, to keep yourself organized.
Once you know what you are trying to do exactly, everything is usually much uch easyer...

After soemone gets exp you need to check if they have enough to lvl.

If they do, increase the characters stats by a certain ammount.


Also, theres allot of information in the Demo's areas and Libraries that help with things like this, all you need to do is brows it a bit.

I always look around in there before asking a question, 90% of the time I find what I'm looking for, sometimes It's there but I cant find it or it's just not there.

Do this and you will open up doors for yourself and get faster results.
In response to Ryne Rekab
Ryne Rekab wrote:
Use an if() statement.


Stop posting idiotic one-line posts like this one. This isn't at all helpful to a newbie, it's just you running your mouth to look cool.

It's not working.


And so forth. Lay off the newbies.

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