How do you make the background have a color?
body {background: #000000;color: #FFFFFF}

Make a script file.

In response to Ryne Rekab
Thank you, but how to make a script o.o. I'm not familiar on how to make them but I do know about them.
In response to DragonMasterGod
Dream Maker.

File -> New -> change file type

In response to DragonMasterGod
DragonMasterGod wrote:
Thank you, but how to make a script o.o. I'm not familiar on how to make them but I do know about them.

In a .dms file (or in client/script), you'd have text like this:

body {font: 11pt "Comic Sans MS",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; color: white; background: #000}

After the style tag you can follow up with a macro section for keyboard macros, if you use any. If you have a BYONDscape subscription, download the Scream of the Stickster source and you can see how to make a .dms file with styles and macros.

Lummox JR