Ok... so i make a game and i want it to not allow a name after it is used by somebody. such as when i host my game with my key odine and create the character Krimson. i dont want me to beable to host the game with the key odine2 and beable to make another character called Krimson. atm i have this coding

Name = input("What is your name?","Creation",src) as null|text
for(var/mob/M in world)
if(Name ==
alert("Somebody else has that name!","Error")

but as far as i can tell that only reads the current people in the world. i want it to check all the save files for the name. can that be done or would i have to make a different save file that would be made just to save the names of every mob made and then get it to read from that. but then that holds the problem of if that file is deleted people can create duplicate names :(.
Yeah making the seperate save file is the best option. I recommend making a set of verbs to moderate this list. That way if you delete someones save file you can remove the name manually from the list. Being able to add names to the list would also come in handy.
I'd also recommend a 'delete savefile' verb that reads the savefile, removes the names and then deletes the .sav file.
It'll just require a little effort so that all character deletion/addition is handled properly.

From the sounds of it you know enough to make these sorts of systems without my help, but if you do get stuck somewhere just ask.
In response to DarkView
Thanks. Ya the system its self will be very easy to make. its just i didnt know if that would be a good idea or if there was an easier way of doing it. thanks for the help again