Anybody want to share some of their abandoned projects? Projects that you created but never released/shared with anybody either due to being incomplete or simply because you were just practicing/testing something.
For example, locked(15kb) was my first attempt at making a sidescroller. You play as Blue Square who must, for reasons unknown, clunkily jump over spike traps and lava pits to collect gold coins. If you manage to collect all the coins, you're in for a treat when absolutely nothing happens at all.
pictured: Adventure.
I can't be the only one embarrassing myself, so share them if you've got them!
Oct 11 2014, 1:16 pm
I don't really have anything I didn't talk about. I do have a lot of abandoned projects, though. Unfortunately, most of them were fan games.
This is going to be long. Some of my first projects were Zelda games. It started with "Shadow of the Triforce" which was based on a horrible premise and had a terrible story. Still, it managed to become kind of polished after awhile. Here they are in order from first to last. I managed to find this on the wayback machine. I don't have this game's source anymore. This was my first "real" attempt. Stare in awe and wonder at the clashing art assets and terrible design. Still, it was pretty good as far as BYOND fan games go. So I eventually revisited Shadow of the Triforce and made this. Equally poor story, but far better presentation. Still clashing art, but it was pretty early in development. Soon I began to dabble in pixel movement. This was before it was built-in, mind you. I was super proud of this whole demo. It's terribly programmed, but it was impressive to me at the time. I wanted to keep going with it, but I ended up leaving it as it was. Finally we come to the latest attempt. This was made maybe a few years ago. It's by far the most polished in every aspect. I still like it a lot, but I'm probably done with Zelda. Now, I've also made a lot of attempts at an online Megaman game. This was called Megaman Files, and I did have this hosted for a few years. It was pretty popular, as far as BYOND Megaman games went, and I was proud of it. Looking back, it's an absolutely terrible game. Tile-based movement ruins platforming, period. I ended up quitting the project in hopes of a remake. So, Megaman Files 2 was born. This one never made it past the intro stage. It still used tile-based movement, but I improved it a lot to be smoother and more playable all around. It was far more polished than the original, but, like Zelda, I ended up dropping it in favor of pixel movement. This was my first real attempt at Megaman pixel movement. Again, like Zelda, this was before it was built in. I was super proud of this, as it played well even online. Still, it proved to be quite a feat and I ended up not really making progress on it. Now that it's built in, I've been working on a side-scrolling engine in the style of Megaman. There are some gaps missing, and no evidence of the projects filling them. I worked on several non-fan-games with the likes of Latoma, Neblim, and Skyiden. None of those really went anywhere as they were, I think, a little over-ambitious and requiring a lot of work and help. One I wouldn't mind revisiting is called Dawn of Battle. It's an online turn-based tournament game. And that's most of the bigger attempts I've made. |
Mano-A-Mano was pretty much a complete game. I lost this one twice, and started on a third remake, so I'm not sure it's exactly 'abandoned'. I'll probably go back to it at some point.
Kingdoms got pretty far before I lost it. I dont even have a full screenshot, just this thumbnail. Squadrons was going to be a two player competitive tower defense type thing. Got a ways with it, but I think that was about the time I vanished for a couple years. Started this as a GIAD entry, based on a Squidi's 300 entry. Didn't get far, but I like the idea. There are also Flindal Boardgame and Smiley Chat. Those are probably my two earliest works, but I don't have anything left from them. No screenies or anything. Flindal was a strategic boardgame based loosely on a game Sanctum that I was playing at the time. Smiley Chat was just a simple open world thing where you could chat, emote, and wear lots of different hats :P |
There was Wolf Forest, a project that I stopped working on when I lost that computer.
It was basically a game where extremely technological werewolves who lived in trees(whose insides were very spacious and fancy, in fact) had to protect the world from evil humans who were trying to destroy their forests for productive factories and you had to defeat them and whatnot. Maybe I should get back to that someday... |
Large image / GIF dump here: Abandoned/Abandoned.html EDIT: I want to mention that these projects are labeled "abandoned" because their source codes no longer exist. All I have that's left of them are screenshots. |
In response to Mr_Goober
Mr_Goober wrote:
Large image / GIF dump here: Thank you for this. |
Alien Conflux
I started work on this after publishing Decadence, it was going to be the followup. Styled after Smash TV, but with space aliens and freaky monsters, it would involve 1-4 players running through a gauntlet with both combat and puzzles to test their strength and intelligence. I had a lot of it done, lots of weapons, "intelligent" AI, and even some music. Unfortunately, as soon as I started up on content production the artist up and vanished, leaving me with empty pockets and unfinished artwork. pew pew pew Bit Wars This was supposed to be a simple game where you would sent "bits" around a board taking them over. Each node has its own number signifying how many bits it has, lowering it to zero would flip the node over to the attacker's control. Turns out there's already a popular flash game called Phage Wars which has the exact same gameplay but with cells/viruses. Color Wars A totally original round-based game where a team of red people fight against a team of blue people, but instead of shooting each other they paint the map their color. It was such a new and original idea that I never published it in fear of someone stealing it, because it was so original. NSA I made this with Circuit, it's the precursor to Decadence. The idea was to something like Red Dawn but with Nazis being the red team and America being blue. The source code is absolutely horrible and starting again from scratch was the best decision I ever made. The big green box up in the corner is a radar, it works and is extremely inefficient. The grenade explosion pushing items around is in my opinion the greatest feature ever to be featured in a video game. Here's an even earlier screenshot with the old HUD. The roof effect is what gave me the idea of having the multiple elevation system seen in Decadence. Just look at how shitty that game is compared to Decadence made a few years later. Never give up hope, new developers! Pokemon Online (nintendo pls dont sue edition) I believe I was making this with Flame Sage, but it was some time ago so I could be mistaken. Fed up with the lack of a good Pokemon MMO I was going to make one based on Crystal, but the realities of actually recording all the sounds and duplicating all the stats and effects caused me to abandon it. Pokemon is actually way more complicated than you would think. Though, I did get the entire world mapped out. Being a fan game, it made more sense to let go as I'd never be able to see a return on the time invested in producing it. Here's the last compiled version of it. The into was going to be Pokemon Red's which then faded out to this title screen. Soulstorm This exists as both a BYOND game and a Game Maker game, though both are mere tech demos. After playing a lot of Dark Souls I thought it would be pretty cool to play a 2D version of that, but with a bit more focus on Zelda style puzzles and dungeons. I ran into performance issues with BYOND at 60fps before trying it out with Game Maker, though with the BYOND version I eventually polished it up enough to turn it into the mech game shown below. Untitled Mech Game After a Gundam binge and playing a lot of Armored Core, I wanted to make a game with mechs in it. The idea was you were on a series of colonized planets/asteroids with different airlocked biomes all over. You could walk around the ground, dash, and fly to places. Part of the flight system was supposed to involved going from places with gravity to places without it. ie:Seamlessly jumping from a space station with gravity into the vacuum of space for zero G space combat. It's pretty much ready to go and runs fine at 60fps, just haven't gotten the funds together to pay for art and sound. Untitled Mineral Game I may or may not have seriously considered making an unofficial sequel to Lode Wars. D4RK3 54B3R may or may not have gotten drunk enough one night to even suggest such a thing. Untitled Space Game For a while I wanted to make a ship-based RTS, though after running into one technical problem after another I decided it was more trouble than it was worth and scrapped everything. Didn't have much done aside from rudimentary unit selection and movement. |
In response to SuperAntx
Thought Superantx quit O.O seeing that everyone was nagging for decandence host files and still no shat!
It would take me until the end of the year to dig up all 9001 abandoned projects and post them here.
Challenge not accepted.