I forgot how to set the client's eye back to null
Say I have
usr.client.eye=locate(5,5,5) now, it will remain there, how can I set it back to default afterwards?

usr.client.eye=usr.client.mob I think. I'm just geussing that based on what the Ref says. I havn't directly set client.eye before so i'm not too sure...
RaeKwon's first post in near 5 months! Velcome! Velcome back!

In response to Wanabe
Or better yet, usr.client.eye = usr.

(usr == usr.client.mob, and usr is probably *slightly* quicker to look up than usr.client.mob. Not that you'd notice the difference.)

Edit: Difference, not distance. That's a bad typo. =P
In response to Crispy
Yeah I was just going by the Ref just to be certain.

"Default value: