<img src="http://images.cooltext.com/3962878.png" width="470" height="117" alt="Dragon Ball Z Golden Gates" /> Owner: Main Crystal(Crystal_O) Ares(Master Kazuma) Yuri(Sasuke8) Normal Shopia(PrincessTokine) Co Johnny(Sirgen23) Krystal(1Sealord) Legendary Aizen(Lightblaze2) Host: Main Johnnie(Jbxman) Co Mr Free(Bad-boy-rich) Admin: Enforcer: Rules for Everyone --------------------------------------------------- 1) Respect the players and administrators 2) Do not advertize other games 3) Do not link porn 4) Do not use/abuse any glitches or bugs (report them to GM asap) 5) Spamming is not acceptable 6) Do not use programs to assist in training 7) Do not spam kill (killing same player 3+ times on a short period of time/or within a given time frame) 8) Only 3 remakes per slot daily 9) Dont ask for GM (when we are hiring we will let everyone know) 10) Accounts - 1 main and 1 Alt (thats it an if we catch anyone with more its auto ban) --------------------------------------------------- Punishment --------------------------------------------------- 1st Warning 2nd Warning Boot 24 hour Ban Perm/IP Ban --------------------------------------------------- Rules for Staff --------------------------------------------------- 1) Only 2 GTs daily 2) Dont abuse the Tournament verbs 3) No Booting for personal reasons 4) No Muting for personal reasons 5) Do NOT sit there an do nothing when people are in need of help 6) Dont abuse Boost verbs --------------------------------------------------- Punishment --------------------------------------------------- Only Warning GM Revoked (depening the on the nature of the crime there is a chance of getting it back) --------------------------------------------------- Update Fixs Transformation Problems Bio-Warrior Hybrid Changeling Makyo Tourment Nerfing Lvl Gain Ki Damage Output Leveling System Balanced Technique Makyo will be able to get Super Kaiokan <input type="hidden" name="encrypted" value="-----BEGIN I8L8+SPcpgIiAXv9AdodISd6noFnwHfmknGdhNm3Spi2Sad8vnhsfRzwTXs/ Ib3DQEHATAUBggqhkiG9w0DBwQIaoTix8YWUMuAgYhDxrCi0owFCa9LWMma/ JXZmk30iMnX0sF8IWpOrC5dIi5IL2Hn2b6f6UVnIPet99OAh8IxiY22QCsa/ UBwYXlwYWwuY29tMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDBR07d/ TXv4SZeuv0Rqq4+axW9PLAAATU8w04qqjaSXgbGLP3NmohqM6bV9kZZwZLR/ Go1u9uDb9lr4Yn+rBQIDAQABo4HuMIHrMB0GA1UdDgQWBBSWn3y7xm8XvVk/ UtcKG+wQ1mSUazCBuwYDVR0jBIGzMIGwgBSWn3y7xm8XvVk/ DAaBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWDXJlQHBheXBhbC5jb22CAQAwDAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB/ 0BAQUFAAOBgQCBXzpWmoBa5e9fo6ujionW1hUhPkOBakTr3YCDjbYfvJEiv/ 2P+IobhOGJr85+XHhN0v4gUkEDI8r2/rNk1m0GA8HKddvTjyGw/ STlDYkqI8OwR8GEYj4efEtcRpRYBxV8KxAW93YDWzFGvruKnnLbDAF6VR5w/ oZIhvcNAQEBBQAEgYCHvGyp8uTKFfrUaat5Cih4Vw3HlmX9rHnqBaUIAm6V/ ys/e6a5BcM/hgzo+Kbqx+n4DGxvOOq8Ayx6pMH83gPQcK7lyq/ 3nl3IgHag7soUY33hXVSqj/ZcP4T7/ ulnB3GEm65x7uCRcfT9nGncrxzOsI90StR6qrGjJnEzFArO4w==-----END PKCS7----- "> Help us get a shell sever so that your play time will be more enjoyable |
Oct 9 2014, 10:00 pm