![]() Oct 9 2014, 1:39 pm
In response to EmpirezTeam
LongCat666 wrote:
Lol Pls. People who use Linux as an OS are fedora wearing, MLP worshipping, borderline pedophilic grisly neckbeards. Just my opinion though. I have a friend who uses Linux and I think it's god awful. I'm not even close minded. |
Wait a second.
You just said Linux users are fedora wearing, MLP worshiping, borderline pedophilic grisly neckbeards, and then you say you have a friend who uses Linux. So you consider a fedora wearing, MLP worshipping, borderline pedophilic grisly neckbeard your friend? Sucks to be you, broham. All my friends look like Kate Upton. |
Xorbah wrote:
LongCat666 wrote: Oh, I forgot this is the internet. Where everyone who isn't you is a neckbeard. |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
Wait a second. I've called him exactly as I've described Linux users lol. He spends an insanely large portion of his time locked up in his apartment on his machine. Edit - most of my friends look like Coco. Boom. Shots fired. |
Does it really matter what people use? I mean, whatever works for them, works for them.
LongCat666 wrote:
And for the record, I consider myself to be a very attractive and lucky person. When I was growing up, I aspired to be just like you. However, you're a neckbeard and I realize that now. Darn. |
Audio freak XD wrote:
Does it really matter what people use? I mean, whatever works for them, works for them. No, audio. It doesn't. I was just having some fun and cat got butthurt. True story. |
Xorbah wrote:
I was just having some fun and cat got butthurt. True story. Preceded by... Pls. People who use Linux as an OS are fedora wearing, MLP worshipping, borderline pedophilic grisly neckbeards. Dayum, all just because I pointed to a page that was in reference to what someone said. You don't even have the evidence to back your claims. Also, I find Linux to be for hipster try-hards who try to stand out and be "different". Nobody is going to think differently of you because you're using an operating system on your machine that the normal population (other than the up to date tech savvies) hasn't even heard of yet. This was before the discussion even started. It sounds more like you made this thread to vent your frustrations with Linux than to actually get a poll. When I was growing up, I aspired to be just like you. However, you're a neckbeard and I realize that now. Darn. Even though there is photographic evidence against your claim, but go on. I have a friend who uses Linux and I think it's god awful. I'm not even close minded. Yeah, saying that Linux is god-awful without even saying why you think it's bad. Not close minded at all. Why not just go ahead and admit this is a venting thread? |
LongCat666 wrote:
Xorbah wrote: So ANGRY cat, get some sunlight my man. It's okay. Like I said, just poking fun. Nothing against Linux users. I opened this poll just to see people's preferences. Nothing more. Sheesh. |
![]() Even though it's pretty obvious you're just venting about how much you hate Linux? There is a good word for someone like you. A bigot. And a hypocrite. You're intolerant of other people's views as Linux enthusiasts and you clearly made the poll in the attempts to affirm your feelings towards Linux. |
LongCat666 wrote:
The assumptions are strong with this kid. My fucking word lmao. You've got an unbelievable amount of pent up anger inside of you. You also strike me as one of those guys who wouldn't dare say this in person. They have a word for people like you, as well. A gamma. |
GatewayRa wrote:
windows - my operating system of choice Thanks for your input. |
GatewayRa wrote:
Xorbah wrote: Haha. I've been retired for a while but I appreciate the kudos. |
I'm surprised you don't think game development is for basement dwelling neckbeards.
LongCat666 wrote:
I'm surprised you don't think game development is for basement dwelling neckbeards. It's funny because that's where I made my very first game. I was 12 years old in my basement. Fun times. I didn't have a neckbeard though. It wouldn't be until 8 years later than my neckbeard would emerge. |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
LongCat666 wrote: Oh lawd. I worked on my first game on my porch at my old home on an undeniably shitty dell laptop. 512 MB of ram and an integrated video card. Pure win. |
LongCat666 wrote:
You're really immature. Can you please stfu? Can you please stop manipulating someone's face? You know he doesn't look like that. I know he doesn't look like that. Wtf, bro. Are you jealous or what? |