Unfortunatly...there are no bools in DM, how can I assign a decimal to a variable? x.x I was hoping to have to so ore would weigh .05 and it slows you down as you walk but unfortunatly byond doesn't like mass=.05 and if I turn that into text I know i'm going to be having some mis match errors. Is there some secret ops way of sneaking behind byond and adding decimals to a variable?
Umm... what? I'm fairly sure you can set a variable to a non-integer number. Just make sure there's a leading zero. So 0.05 instead of .05
In response to Jp
Opps, that was a dumb post. Sorry, I can't delete it. Now i'm going to look newbish and stupid. =(
Anything can be converted to a boolean.

0, 'null', "", and I think empty lists and icons evaluate as false. EVERYTHING else is true.
In response to InuTracy
InuTracy wrote:
Opps, that was a dumb post. Sorry, I can't delete it.

It's a good thing that you can't delete it! Now, if others have the same question, they can see your post, and they'll have it answered.

Now i'm going to look newbish and stupid. =(

You don't look newbish or stupid at all! Asking a question is smart -- not stupid. =)