I'm not quite sure how to do this, but I'll explain the problem. I'm trying to have two savefiles that a client has. One for their "character", and one for their "Mortal Enemy" character.
I have this so far, but my mind's drawing a blank. How would one go about saving both mobs variables per save, and load them both during login?

* Example*
Level = 1
HP = 50
Maximum_HP = 50
Strength = 1
Weapon = ""
Current_Location = "Start"
Level = 1
HP = 75
Maximum_HP = 75
Strength = 3
Current_Location = "Lying in Wait"
Weapon = "Darkness Sword thingy"

Any and all help will be much appreciated.
WOuldn't it be easier if you set a mob's variable to the enemy?
In response to Crashed
Well, not in my case.
In response to Vexonater
Why don't you use one savefile and buffers? So you'd put the player mob in a "Player" buffer and the archnemesis in a "Arch" buffer.