So not all players have the same aspect ratio and when they play a game there be some black space not utilized. I want the player to be able to choose the exact WxH(up to a reasonable number) so they can get the best view. I tried doing it by making view a variable but it has to be a constant so that won't work. How do I go about doing this? I'm talking only about changing the amount of tiles the player can see on the screen at a time, not sizing the default view(which would make it blurry) to their liking. How do I do this?
Oct 5 2014, 3:57 pm
Best response
You can set client.view at runtime. Just set it then.
But I can't change it with a variable, it has to be a constant to so whatever I set it to then won't be ideal for everyone(i don't really understand this much, so whatever you're suggesting probably went over my head). I wanted to know how to let players set the amount of tiles they can see in real time.
In response to Gluscap
There's world.view, which is constant and can't be changed.
Then there's client.view, which can be changed per-client. It defaults to world.view if left unspecified. |