Jul 17 2005, 4:41 pm
Well, I'm wondering, being that clients and mobs have verbs, if you were to give a client a verb, rather than a mob, like client/verb/say() would that therefore make the verb only for your character (everyones own character)? What I mean by this is when you are playing on a game that has mob verbs, you can click on your character, click the name, and then have a list of verbs, but I'm wondering if you make client verbs, would you still have that list of verbs if you click on your character? I'm trying to make it so you can't have a list to click on and select a verb in the game screen from your character, but you actually have to either macro the command or click the command in the command stat_panel.
Jul 17 2005, 4:49 pm
set category = null or set hidden = 1 will hide it.
In response to DeathAwaitsU
Hmm ok sweet lets see hehe. Thanks by the way.
In response to DeathAwaitsU
Well, that hides it on the game screen for character verbs, but from the statpanel too. I'd like it so the verb is in the statpanel but not in the game screen for character verbs.
That right-click verb listing will be there for any object which has verbs you can access or for any verbs you have which can target that object as one of its arguments.
Don't use the arguments to input data in the verb; rather, use the input function inside the verb's code block. Don't give other objects verbs that you can access. Doing those two things should solve your problem. However, it seems silly to go through all the trouble for something so insignificant. If I'm one of the players, why shouldn't I be able to access the verbs that way if I want to? It makes things much easier. All you are doing is putting unnecessary extra work on both you and the players. |