well i wanted to know: how would I go about making a skill that, when used, selects 5 random spaces in the view of the user, and makes an area called "Scythe Spawn" there. When these spawn, how would i have it so that every now and then, 1 scythe will appear on the spawn area(1 for each that is, no more than one at a time for any given spawn, and glie toward anyone in sight at a slow range.(By anyone is sight, i dont mean including the person who used it, i want the scythes to bypass them). Finally, if the scythes should bump into someone, they cause damage(unless its the person to use the skill, tehn it skips them), then get deleted. After a given amount of time, the spawner should respawn the deleted scythe, and then begin the procces with the new scythe again. And finally, should the user walk to far out of view of the spawners, or use the verb again, the scythes and the skill that spawns them may be used again.
Sound confusing? I also have a second question: How would i write a verb that, when use with the scythes out, sucks all the scythes on the field into the user, deletes the scythes and heals him?
Well sorry for the long post, but thanks in advance
Jul 21 2005, 12:28 pm