I am in need of some tiles/sprites. I'a extremely new to all this, I try to make my tiles, and for some reason the background stays as DARK gray. If someone can help me change that/hook me up with some sprites/tiles, or even point me in the right direction, I would be most thankful.

thats how you make them show
In response to Cheetoz
Cheetoz wrote:
> grass
> icon='turf.dmi'
> icon_state="grass"
thats how you make them show

thanks, but...will it come out looking like grass? as you can tell, newb here.
In response to Morpholic
If someone could give me like a partial walkthrough of how to's, it would help alot. I can always snoop around the demos and such.
Well for the code make it look like this and it will show the icons:

icon = 'turfs.dmi'
icon_state = "floor"
density = 0

About the code:
icon = 'turfs.dmi'//This is where you put the file name of the icon/icons
icon_state = "floor"//This is the state of the icon. So if you have a file and inside the file you have a icon named floor you type floor as the state.
density = 0//Density that is equal to means that the mob can walk on top of it if the density = 1 then they can not walk over it.
Sorry I can not make icons for you because I am horrible at it right now.

->Calus CoRPS<-
In response to Morpholic
you have to make the icons
In response to Morpholic
Check out this list: [link]

In response to Calus CoRPS
thanks...i don't quite understand that, but it's a start.