Keywords: byond, within

Hello Everyone!

Special thanks goes out to Lige for starting Within BYOND. Recently, Lige has taken a leave of absence and will be unable to continue publishing Within BYOND and will be missed.

Moving forwards, I will be writing for Within BYOND (Me and Lige have alot in common, for instance, our usernames both have an "i" for the second letter, and a "g" for the third.) with one minor change, Within BYOND will be released on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month, instead of Mondays, biweekly (Biweekly is far too ambiguous of a word to reuse, at any rate.).

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks for reading!

BYOND Engine

The BYOND Staff and the beta testers have been making good progress towards getting the new web client into a stable condition. The current beta version even includes web client support for mobile devices and it is ad-free... for now!

As always, If there are any questions about the web client, please post them in the beta testers subforum and when you find something that doesn’t quite seem right, post a report in the beta bugs subforum. For those of us playing with the web client’s .dms controls, check out Lummox JR's wishlist.


TB: Dope Wars has been published by Immortal_J'rosh. I don’t know what TB stands for, but I do know that the player takes on the role of a druglord in the business of making money by buying and selling illegal drugs. The police are waiting to take you downtown.

BTeKs has made good on a recent promise and showed off some very appealing artwork and animations for the upcoming 19th century roleplaying game, Folklore.

Bug fixes, nail guns, multicolor bandanas, and more! Halloween14 has updated his zombie shoot-em-up and smash-em-down survival game, Last of the Living, and offered plans to allow players to reach a second safe house, where they will find more interactive missions, and the chance to earn new metals.

Taint_thewizard has been productive in his surplus free time this week. He posted three updates and a video for Avalon, an RPG adventure game. Bug fixes and tweaks aside, updates include unique classes, the new town of Ubike, a revamped interface, and a splurge of new quests.

The developers of Tag Turvigal have published an update with artwork on their progress and have set a goal to be finished this December.

While it may not be the first isometric game on BYOND, Zelldot has released his first isometric game and he is seeking inspiration for his blank 2.5D canvas. Currently the player can go on a walkabout and build crates and chairs. Post your thoughts and ideas here.

King_ed has recently created a hub page for BYOND Tycoon. Based on the information at hand, it sounds like the player builds their balance sheet with homes and businesses and then blows it all at the casino before time runs out!

Kozuma3 has hinted at update #9 for Platformer. Altercations have been made to the interface layout, and to the appearance of the player. Skill trees are on the way shortly.

Sigrogana Legend 2 version 0.97 is now live! Devourer of Souls' changelog features the addition of the Lich to the Ancients race, a collection of new and unique items to be rewarded, interface improvements, and the customary list of bug fixes.

Overlooked in the last edition of Within BYOND, A2j2TIWARI and Megablaze released Burrnn!! for download. An action packed survival game where players compete to obtain the highest score while slicing monsters, collecting coins and powerups, evading rockside, and, oh yeah, not touching the lava.

BYOND Resources

  • Want to keep players around? Alex Peterson offers a saving and loading solution with his snippet, Save & Load Players.
  • if you would rather keep players out, Inuyashaisbest presents an easyban demonstration on how simple it can be.
  • If gansta is your native tongue, Lugia319 has the perfect tutorial to get you started in DM programming. Now where did I place my Urban to Rural Pocket Dictionary...
  • Mr_Goober has issued a quick tutorial on how to use the recently updated ZYNKCO Markup Language.
BYOND really has some interestingly fresh content lately. I haven't seen a popular isometric game released on BYOND before.

Avalon also looks pretty cool. Takes me back to the days of Mystic Journey.

Folklore's art looks amazing.
Is there any way to get these posts to not blink my BYOND pager?
Good luck with within, Higoten.
Thanks for the mentions, I will be hosting as much as I can so people on BYOND will get a nice early view of the progress.
Better to have progress on an engine then nothing at all. Nothing kills a project faster than discouragement early before it can snowball.

The list holds old and new projects but nothing that present fresh, or anything ground breaking. I would like to see some genres, and themes that isn't commonly used within the byond community already. Like a jurassic survival, or something with dinosaurs, or an drop-in oldschool arcade mini-museum.
And once again, a few people showing their amazing support for new and WIP projects!

Good job guys. Way to go. GG.
I'd personally like to see more isometric games.

Anyways, keep up the good work guys! :)