Everytime I try to load this map ingame I get the error;
BYOND Error: failed to parse savefile text at line 17 (reading ''Icons/Turfs 2.dmi''): expecting }expecting }expecting }expecting }
runtime error: Cannot create objects of type null.
proc name: Read (/swapmap/Read)
usr: /swapmap (/swapmap)
src: /swapmap (/swapmap)
call stack:
/swapmap (/swapmap): Read(C:\\Users\\Admin\\Documents\\... (/savefile), null, null)
SwapMaps Load("001 - Forest1")
Gluscap (/mob): Load Map()
What does it mean?
At line 17 there is no object being loaded, yet its saying that it cannot create obj of type null. There are objs loaded in the map though, but none are null.
Sep 29 2014, 11:24 am (Edited on Sep 29 2014, 11:40 am)
Sep 30 2014, 6:41 am
I haven't seen "swapmaps" anywhere here yet so if you are having problems with a non-official library contact the library developer or post to the page of the library.
In response to Lightwell
Searched resources for "swapmaps". Found SwapMaps, by Lummox JR. It's a fairly oft-cited resource.
But on topic, it looks like you broke something. Did you mess with the file in a text editor or something? It doesn't seem to be a very common error, so I'm not sure how to really help. |